Workshop Kåtbock eller Kinky kvinna!

I hänryckningens tid erbjuder jag en möjlighet att utforska den feminina kåtheten, njutningen, lusten tillsammans med mig! Den 3 juni 13.00-17.00I mina workshops för kvinnor har jag tidigare förstått det händer något annorlunda när bara kvinnor möts. Vågar du som kvinna njuta och hänge dig, eller är du en slampa då? Vad händer med dig i mötet med andra kvinnor?

Vi kommer med grunden i tantrisk närvaro och andningsträning se vart eftermiddagen tar oss. Utifrån behovet hos deltagarna kommer vi fokusera på beröring – pain eller pleasure – hur njuter du mest? Spanking eller smekning – vad väcker din lust? Vad längtar du efter? Workshopen passar både för dig som är nyfiken på tantra och BDSM eller viceversa. Viss erfarenhet att våga vara öppen och ärlig i grupp behövs.

En workshop för kåta kvinnor eller potentiellt kåta kvinnor, vilket jag själv tycker är oerhört vackert! Mer slampor till folket. Ja, jag vet det är kort om varsel. Jag behöver din anmälan senast den 29 maj till därefter får du faktura och mer info.

Det är premiär så jag ger rabatt. Investering 450 kr ink moms.
Kaffe, te och snacks i pausen.
Vill vi så finns möjlighet ta ett glas tillsammans efter workshopen.

Ta med din inre slampa, din bästa slampvän och kom och lek!



50 Shades of Tantra…den 25-26 mars

För oss är tantra allt…från ljust till mörkt och allt däremellan.

Så vad kan du vänta dig på denna Festival?

Fest så klart – varför heter det annars festival. Läs mer här

Playshops – som vi förklarar i filmen – det leks för lite inom personligutvecklingsvärlden – så inte en endaste workshop…utan bara PLAYSHOPS

Dynamic Hearth Breath – finare namn på Frigörande andning – med Wind Dancer – hon är känd av många oss men vill ha sitt nicname i dessa sammanhang. Kom och ta reda på vem hon är!

Vi tror på att män och kvinnor delar på sig en stund och tankar Shiva resp Shakti – Yin och Yang – feminint och maskulint – Träffa Eva Freya som leder Adi Shakti och Johan Örlander som leder Hel man.

Under dagen går vi lite djupare och spicar till det – Sofia leder en prova på playshop inom Tantricspanking – bdsm och tantra – synkar det?

På kvällen blir det dansgolv och lekrum – kvällen startar med en playshop som guidar oss in leken och mötet. Vill du hellre softa o hänga i bastun är det också en möjlighet.

På söndagen sedan blir det Acroyoga och vi får se hur många av oss som vågar flyga.

Birgitta Ska leka fram våra ”Happy Ass” – dvs en lycklig tantrisk rumpa.

Vi kommer också ha en workshop med fokus på det tantriska parmötet

Kent kommer ge oss några verktyg kring hur man blir kåt på livet och pengar.

Självklart kommer du, eller hur

Teori eller praktik?

Jag får ofta frågan om vad ska jag läsa för att lära mig mer om massage, BDSM eller tantra… Beroende på vem som frågar så brukar jag ge olika svar. För mig handlar allt detta om att göra. Jag är en väldigt praktisk person, som gillar ”hands on”, detta trots min teoretiska bakgrund, akademiker och allt. Jag säger att träning och övning ger färdighet och att jag själv lärt mig genom delta i workshops och både ta emot och ge otal fysiska sessioner.

Egentligen handlar all ”spirituell” praktik om att göra och uppleva… Vem kan lära sig att vara i nuet på ett teoretiskt sätt? Det jag gör och ger handlar ju till syvende o sist om att vi ska bli mer närvarande och medvetna, vissa behöver hjälp av piskan och andra nöjer sig med mjuk eller hård tantrisk massage.

För dig som ändå vill läsa, vill jag rekommendera

Urban Tantra av Barbara Carellas

Radical Ecstasy av Dossie Easton och Janet Hardy

Lyssna till kroppen av Lise Borbeau

Dear Lover av David Deida

The Superior Man av David Deida


Våga prova!

Våga vara!


X-mas challenge 2

Submissive or weak? Codewords rules!

Many people outside the BDSM community often make a similarity between weakness and submissive. We with some insights know for sure this is completely wrong.

As dominant you can’t continue play when your submissive don’t want any more, that would be rape or abuse. As submissive you are always free to use the codeword agreed upon. Is that even possible in daily life? Think if we at the workplace tomorrow would start say Yellow or Red? How would your workplace work if you start to use codewords instead of complaining?

Importance of living in xtasy – life and death!!!

IMG_4327Sorry for not posting so much on the blog…Been busy exploring life and death. This summer I followed my mother that died from cancer. And now I am following a dear friend on the same journey. This kind of process really shows me that I am greatfull beyond words from my BDSM and tantric journey.

Learning to live and explore xtasy and deep feelings and emotions have prepared me for this. Even though you really cant prepare because every deathjourney is unique. What I do to survive in this and even learn from it is really trying to find xtasy and play with energy and God as much as I can. Trying to stay present no matter what…and expressing my gratitude for everyting that is good.

If you are curious about what I do and how I do it, try a session with me.  Are you afraid of death are you afraid of life!!!


miniworkshop – Life in xtas!

Saturday I gave a workshop – live life more in xtas! It was just a small miniworkshop as a teaser to my workshop Pain and Pleasure. In the morning I went to the store to buy toys for the workshop, Clothpins and flywhips for everyone. I like more to play with things that are not connected to the BDSM world, to make it more undramatic. When I was supposed to pay – the cashier – ohh so many are they for spanking??? Its apparently that obvious…I didnt really answer…

Well at the center where I work – there was a nice group with curious people – wanting to explore more about this fun topic. We worked with energy, polarity…leading and following and some pain and presence training, and finished up with putting all the men in a circle – supporting each other, while the women danced around giving the a hard time with the whips. Everybody had a good time – so all people out there – play more!!!


Yes – a Dominaworkshop coming up 19th of Sept

20150804_110316As Dominatrix I meet many submissive men longing for their women dare to dominate them. This workshop is about that…

Get the courage to give pain but also more erotic domination. Many men find their masculine and dominant side through their feminine or submissive side, would not it be cool to meet your partner in this?

During this workshop you will get to practice to find your Domina thorough your feminine and inner power.
Through a variety of practical exercises, we appeal to Dominan in you and strengthen her.
You also get to practice and learn to spank with different tools.
We will also talk and share tips and tricks and some teaching of course.

The workshop is suitable for all sexual preferences – you dont have to dominate a man …

Sofia is used to leading groups and allways create a safe space. Said about this workshop ”, she leads naturally”, ”extremely instructive,” ”Now I’m going home and practicing.”

Refreshments and fruit will be served during the breaks.

Price SEK 750 is paid against an invoice before the course starts.

Application by 10 Sept to – only here is not enough. Limited number of participants so do not hesitate sign up as soon as possible!

Warmly welcome // Sofia

Everybody is submissive to someone!

I have lately been experimenting with a lot of switching for my self. During the same evening and weekends going back and forth all the time. Many people in this world point out that you are a special role. As if I am dominant and You are submissive. For me its not like that there are different energies and flavours that you more or less could embrace and play with. Dance with if you dare to.

In my workshops I use to say that run as fast as u can if somebody say that they ”Are Dominant”. And I ask them about their ordinary life, their job etc. Everybody is submissive to someone. Even if u are a CEO of a big company, You report to the board and are submissive to your clients and shareholders. So take a moment and get out of the dungeon or the bedroom and think about who are You submissive to? What qualities do that person have? How do they act and how do they behave? There you have the qualities that you can use as Dominant in your BDSM play!

If you like to practice more on this, bring your partner and we can train together – I give couplesessions where I train and coach you in dominating and spanking eachother.

Enjoy the summernights, play more!//Sofia



As many of u know I am totally open with what I do. Some people like what I say and some don’t. Your kink is your kink and my kink is my kink. And I totally respect your integrity and if you like to be anonymous about your lifestyle. That’s what I like in this context. But stil I got some feedback after this interview on national TV. But as u know when u get your 5 minutes of fame – its all about to don’t stop talking….

In the future I will post some short videos here about how I see it and what I think about BDSM, TANTRA and life in general. Because for me its all a part of life I cant live without.

But till then here I am.

Have a nice presummer//Sofia

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